We try to keep information about all club events on the Asterisk events calendar, but the best way to get involved is to join the clubs’ information channels.
Alumni Club
A club for Asteriski alumni, which organises activities such as after-workshops for the association’s senior activists and graduating computer science students. The club is autonomous and its activities are based on the wishes and ideas of the club members. The Alumni Club is led by the Asteriski Veterans.
The Asteriski inform about the club’s activities on the club’s Telegram channel and on the club’s own Discord channel on Asterisk’s public Discord server. For more information on joining the club, click here.
Game Club
Meets about once every two weeks, usually on Mondays in the Arcanum lobby.
The club announces its events on the Asterisk public Discord site via the Boardgame Club channel and the Risk Info mailing list. For more information, please contact the Asteriski Game Manager.
TV Club
Organises series and/or movie nights for members, often at the Asteriski office.
For more information about the TV Club, please contact the TV Officer.
Asteriski has committees made up of its own membership and that of other partner organisations, which together with the Board and other committees help to implement and develop the organisation’s activities.
Event Committee
The committee assists the board in organising events for students. These events include, for example, parties, parties and cultural events. The Events Committee produces graphics (photos and videos) and social media content for events. This allows the members of the committee to come up with ideas and implement the events and their content. In addition, the event committee is entitled to Asteriski event vouchers such as ticketing and catering vouchers.
To join the committee, contact one of the committee members or a member of the board. Communication will be through the committee’s own channels.
The committee is responsible for the operation and development of the Asterisk website. It also develops and maintains Nakitinta and the membership register.
The committee has its own channels for communication on Asterisk’s Discord server. The main responsibility for the Committee lies with the Service Manager. You can get involved by contacting the service manager, other members of the committee or the board.
Enterprise Committee
The Enterprise Committee looks after Asterisk’s corporate partnership patterns. It negotiates cooperation packages and their content with companies and organises and promotes corporate events.