Asteriski ry’s harassment contact persons
If you experience harassment contact the harassment contact persons directly or through the form below. When you contact the harassment contact persons the matter is kept only between the harassment contact persons and the people involved in the case.


Harassment-free community is everyone’s responsibility
No form of harassment is accepted in Asteriski ry’s events, spaces and in our community overall, whether it is sexual harassment, bullying, hate speech, racism, minority discrimination or other similar action. Each member of Asteriski ry has the duty to intervene if they witness harassment.
Intervening harassment and further forwarding safe and equal student culture are much more important than a possible temporary conflict arising from intervention of harassment. If you worry whether you have experienced harassment or not, it may be good to think what you would tell your friend that said they experienced the same. It is also always best to inform about harassment when it happens but you can always bring up harassment issues later on as well.
No harassment is so insignificant that it would be pointless to tell the harassment contact persons.
Harassment issues at events
- At events where alcohol is served, it is recommended to primarily contact the harassment contact persons of that event.
- Events organised at bars and night clubs, it is recommended to primarily contact the staff.
- At non-alcoholic events, clubs, the office and other spaces and situations, it is recommended to primarily contact the general harassment contact persons.
- At events organised by other associations, it is recommended to primarily contact the organiser, harassment contact persons of that event or TYY’s harassment contact persons (only in finnish).
Harassment contact form
If you want you can submit the form anonymously by leaving the name and email empty, but please note that solving the issue may not be possible without them.