The events organized by Asteriski are open for all members and the board is responsible for organizing the events. However, the board can’t do it all on their own, so almost every event is the result of the cooperation of the members and the board. In this cooperation, the member’s role can mostly be seen in the form of small tasks, referred to as ‘Nakki’ (eng. small sausage). In exchange for doing some of these, you can get a small reward, e.g. in the form of sitz menu or pizza. In addition to this, since 2018, Asteriski members have also had the opportunity to collect nakkipoints. Nakkipoints are used to collect levels to the Nakkibadge. Additionally, since 2024 active nakkipoint collectors are eligible to get the Nakkikone (Nakki machine) -badge after collecting 30 nakkipoints.
Level 1: 4 nakkipoints, nakki (sausage)
Level 2: 8 nakkipoints, chestplate and right arm
Level 3: 12 nakkipoints, right leg
Level 4: 16 nakkipoints, left leg
Level 5: 20 nakkipoints: left arm with Nach Sword
Nakkikone-badge: 30 nakkipoints

Nakkipoint practices:
A maximum of 10 nakkipoints can be collected during one semester (i.e. a maximum of 20 during academic year).
Nakkipoints can be acquired from doing small helping tasks at Asteriski events. These include, for example, parties organized by Asteriski, sitzes, ATK-YTP, Christmas parties and Wappu events.
The board can also define other tasks or events in which you can earn nakkipoints for doing small helping tasks.
Where can you gain points:
Nakkis are tasks that wouldn’t necessarily interest volunteers otherwise. The most common nakkis at Asteriski’s events include ticket sales, waiting at sits parties and cleaning up.
Example scoring:
- Ticket sales (1h), 1p
- Cleaning the office (1h), 1p
- Designing an overall badge or other graphics, 1p
- Waiting at sits, 2-3p
- Cleaning, 2-3p
- Getting into the board, 1p
- Making it through the year in the board or as an official, 1p
Nakkipoints should be announced to the board via e-mail by the stated date, usually before Pre-Christmas Party (Pikkujoulut) or Spring Sauna (Kevätsauna) where levels of the Nakkibadge are being awarded.
Gaining nakkipoints as an active:
Nakkipoints are not given to board members or officials from tasks related to their role, unless the tasks are open to everyone to volunteer for.
Committee (toimikunta) members are the first to get notified of the nakkis related to their committee. Some committee tasks grant nakkipoints but the scoring each task is considered individually.
Renewal of nakkipoint system 2023:
The scoring of nakkis was changed in 2023 nakkipoint system renewal. If you have previously gained more points, you may redeem your missing levels and the Nakkikone-badge by requesting them when nakkipoints are being collected. Missing badges are not awarded automatically.
Hall of Fame
Those that have completed level 5 or 20 points.
- Sanni Koskinen, 89p
- Milla Oksanen, 68p
- Anni Eskelinen, 61p
- Sami Salo, 57p
- Laura-Tuulia Aarnio, 31p
- Janina Paasila, 31p
- Aleksi Laakso, 20p
- Ira Heino, 20p