In English


We are Asteriski ry, the student organization for computer science students at University of Turku. Founded in 1972, we have nearly 400 members in our organization, making it vast and diverse. This is seen in our free-time activity which ranges from epic parties to playing sports with other student organizations to having sauna evenings together. Asteriski offers everything for everyone. The executive board can easily be reached via email hallitus(at) or you can just come visit us at our office at Agora on the -1 floor, room K135A/B. We share our office with Digit ry, which is the student organization for Information and Communication Technology.

You can follow us on social media

Contact information of the official responsible for international affairs can be found here.

Membership of the organization costs 5€/year. By being a member you have access to all of our events (some of them are free and some of them costs little bit), to our overalls and much more.

Check out our events here.


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