Study Team

The Study Team is a team of staff from the Department of Computer Science, Asterisk, Digit and Asklepion’s education policy officers. Its purpose is to act as a channel of communication between students and the department.

The study team discusses any current issues related to your studies. Members of the department can inform students about any new issues or even the timetable and courses for the coming semester. They can also raise any concerns, problems and/or questions that have come to light, as well as other suggestions for improvement. The study team is therefore a very quick way to address problems and shortcomings in teaching!

Contact us!

The study team usually meets at regular intervals. Anyone can send a letter to the study team if they want to have their issue discussed by the study team or if they want an answer to a question. Asterisk members can contact the Study Team through the Study Officer of the Association’s Board of Directors. The Asterisk booth can be reached at kopo[ät] For more information on the contact details of the person holding the post, click here.


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