Rekryilmoituksia (Turku)


1.) Ville Team: Ohjelmoija, kesätyö/osa-aikainen, Turku
2.)I F: Junior Full Stack Developer, määräaikainen, Turku
3.) Netello: Ohjelmoija hakukoneoptimointiin, harjoittelija/kesätyö, Turku
4.)Åbo Akademi: Project Worker, kesätyö, Turku


ViLLE Team hakee ohjelmoijaa

ViLLE Team on Turun yliopiston Tulevaisuuden teknologioiden laitoksella / Oppimisanalytiikan keskuksessa toimiva tutkimusryhmä, joka myös kehittää ViLLE-oppimisjärjestelmää. ViLLEä käyttää jo yli 6 500 opettajaa ja yli 130 000 opiskelijaa kaikilla koulutusasteilla esiopetuksesta korkeakouluihin.

ViLLE Team hakee 1-2 ohjelmoijaa järjestelmän uusien ominaisuuksien ja tehtävätyyppien toteuttamiseen. Hakijoilta vaaditaan hyvää Java-osaamista. Plussaa ovat myös esimerkiksi JavaScript-, Vaadin- ja MySQL-osaaminen.
Työn kesto on aluksi 3 kuukautta kesän 2018 aikana, työtehtävät voivat sopimuksen mukaan jatkua myös kesän jälkeen. Myös osa-aikainen työskentely on mahdollista.

Palkkaus määräytyy yliopiston YPJ-järjestelmän mukaisesti.

Yhteydenotot ja lisätietoja:
Teemu Rajala
02 333 8614


In this position you will be developing If’s web and mobile applications for their private customers in ASP.NET environment. Are you familiar with C# or otherwise have good understanding of software development principles? This is a perfect opportunity for a recently graduated IT professional to dive into Full Stack Development.

Academic Work is looking for several Junior Full Stack Developers to our client If Vahinkovakuutus Oy.

This job is a staffing position, which means that you will be employed by Academic Work and work as a consultant at If in Turku. The employment is fixed-term with the possibility to be recruited by our client after 12 months.

In this position, you will work as a part of a scrum team developing and maintaining high quality digital solutions in the ever more digitalized financial industry. Besides a daily scrum meeting, your tasks include user interface development and creating test cases with tools such as C#/ASP.NET, JavaScript and HTML5/CSS. You will work alongside more experienced developers and will be assigned a mentor who is there to support your introduction and development. At Turku office you will have approximately 140 IT colleagues.

This position suits you who are eager to become a future Full Stack Developer working with .NET frameworks. If is offering an ambitious working environment, where they encourage self-improvement and provide opportunities for training and learning. Furthermore, this position includes an opportunity to take more responsibility in the team once your skills develop and there is also a possibility for career advancement inside the organization where approximately 600 employees work within IT in the Nordics and Baltics.

Our ideal candidate has a degree in suitable higher education and solids skills in C#. It’s also possible that you are independent in other technologies and enthusiastic to learn C#/ASP.NET. If you do not have relevant work experience we expect you to show your enthusiasm through own projects or hobbyism. In order to show your familiarity with software development, please attach a link to your portfolio or GitHub account to your application. As a person we are looking for a resourceful and cooperative team member. In order to succeed in this position you also need good problem-solving skills and fluent English, since you will be working in close contact with colleagues in other Nordic countries.

Apply for this position if you have:

suitable educational background in IT
solid skills in C# or willingness to learn
proven knowledge of software development principles through internship or own projects
fluent communication skills in English
good problem-solving skills and resourceful way of working
It is also seen as an advantage if you are fluent in Finnish or Swedish or have previous experience working in ASP.NET environment.

Start: as soon as possible

Working hours: full-time

Employment period: 12 months with possibility to be recruited by our client afterwards

Location: Turku

Salary: according to agreement

Published: 17.4.2018

In this position you will be employed by Academic Work and we take care of all the legal responsibilities of an employer such as salary payments, insurances and health care. It is important for us that you feel well and perform in your job. Your consultant manager will be in regular contact with you during the assignment and guides you on your career. Academic Work is an authorized staffing and recruitment agency and our employees are extremely satisfied, something that we are very proud of. We are here to help you succeed!


To apply for the job click on “Apply here” below. Remember to attach your CV into your application! We only handle applications through our website but if you have questions about the position you can reach us via email in Please write the advert ID in the subject and paste the advert link in the mail. We are continuously screening and contacting candidates so make sure to send your application as soon as possible. Please notice that the advert can be removed before eventual last dates on our external advertising pages. When the advert is being removed it’s either due to that the processes is finished or because we have many qualified applications and are continuing in the selection/interview phase.

We are the Home of the Young Professionals. We are experts in recruitment and staffing university students, recently graduated and professionals in the beginning of their career. You can be employed by us as a consultant in one of our client companies or be recruited directly to our client via our recruitment co-operation. You can read more about us at

When employed at Academic Work you will have your own dedicated Consultant Manager, whose role is to answer your questions, support your career development and ensure you enjoy your place of work.

If insures all that is valuable in life: people, animals, homes, cars and more. They also help companies to ensure that it is business as usual even if they suffer a claim. Thanks to If’s 7 000 skilled employees, all 3.6 million customers in the Nordic and Baltic countries have the right coverage and can feel confident that they will get the help they need – if something should happen.

The Financial Industry is becoming more digitalized and technology is at the core of the development. This means that IT is in focus when developing new customer oriented services and making our customers happy.

If IT is a forwardthinking organization with more than 600 IT professionals in the Nordics and Baltics, and more than 140 of us work in the Turku office. We in IT develop and maintain high quality solutions for our customers, ensure that our business is working with the best tools.



Tervetuloa Netelloon!

Etsimme kesäksi työharjoittelijaa tai kesätyöläistä tekemään hakukoneoptimointia. Tärkeintä on positiivinen asenne, sosiaalinen älykkyys ja vanha kunnon maalaisjärki. Hakijoilta edellytetään perustietämystä nettisivuista ja HTML:stä.

Meillä on paikka myös myynnin ja markkinoinnin ammattilaiseksi haluavalle.

Sinun ei tarvitse olla hakukoneoptimointiguru tai tietää asiasta edes kovin paljon. Kiinnostus digimarkkinointiin ja hakukoneoptimointiin riittää. Kokeneet hakukoneoptimoijamme kouluttavat sinut tehtävään ja jakavat kanssasi alan viimeisen tietouden. Saat meiltä kaikki eväät, joilla voit menestyä työssä ja kehittää omaa osaamista uudelle tasolle.

Olemme yksi Suomen johtavista hakukoneoptimoinnin toimijoista. Hakukoneoptimoinnin lisäksi palveluihimme kuuluvat mm. verkkosivustot, verkkokaupat, Google-mainonta ja sisältömarkkinointi.

Olet osa tiimiä, joka nauttii työstään
Tulet olemaan osa Netellon tiimiä, johon kuuluvat niin myyjät, koodarit, graafikot kuin asiakaspalvelijat. Tuotteemme ovat alan huippuluokkaa ja työilmapiiri on mahtava – nauru raikaa toimistolla viikon jokaisena päivänä.

Olemme ammattilaisia, jotka nauttivat omasta työstään. Näin tulevat työkaverisi kuvailevat Netelloa ja tuotteitamme:

– Tekemämme sivustot ja verkkokaupat toimivat nopeasti kaikilla päätelaitteilla, näitä on ilo tehdä! -Tero Yli-Sipilä, kehittäjä
– Olen ollut talossa yrityksen perustamisesta lähtien, 18 vuoden ajan, täällä on innostava ja kannustava työilmapiiri. -Jukka Niemi, projektipäällikkö
– Asiakkaidemme sivustot löytyvät Googlesta hakukoneoptimoinnin avulla, meillä on referenssejä useilta eri toimialoilta. -Aki Ahokannas, ratkaisumyyjä
– Kaikki 19 työkaveriani ovat supermukavia, ihania ja avuliaita. -Sari Raunell, sihteeri
– Suomen paras joukkue johdettavana. -Mikko Sinilahti, myyntipäällikkö
Tervetuloa – odotamme jo innolla uuden työkaverimme tapaamista!
Lähetä hakemuksesi ja CV:si osoitteeseen ja kirjoita sähköpostin otsikoksi ”Kesätyö”.


We are seeking an enthusiastic project worker to participate in the development of the Euro-BioImaging Web Access Portal. Euro-BioImaging ( is a major international service infrastructure under construction, offering access to biological and medical imaging technologies, as well as training and access to data services, for both academic and industrial customers. All services are accessed through the web portal developed in Turku, the headquarters of Euro-BioImaging. The portal handles application submission and review, training course management, new technology management, user authentication, communication and content management etc.

If you are for instance close to finishing your studies, this might be an excellent opportunity for you. We prefer programming experience and knowledge of PHP, MySQL and Git. Additionally, knowledge of Linux programming basics and/or SAML would be advantageous.

The position is available at Åbo Akademi University, in the Turku BioImaging organization ( for the time 1.5.-31.8., with a salary of 2350 € / month. The work will mostly take place in BioCity, in a challenging and rewarding working environment.

Feel free to distribute this announcement.

For more information and application submission contact:

Pasi Kankaanpää, PhD
Administrative Director, Turku BioImaging
Project Manager, Euro-BioImaging


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