
1) Ecolane: Java Developer
2) Backend Developer
3) Nordicmind: Technical Sales Consultant
4) Evermade – Web Developer

Ecolane: Java Developer

Type: Permanent, Full-time
Suitable background: Graduated
Location: Linnoitustie 6, 02600 Espoo
Beginning date: Negotiable
Application deadline: January 22nd

Ecolane is about people, not software. Ecolane’s software has been developed to move people. The cost savings, efficiency, and increased productivity that Ecolane’s customers experience as a result of the product is a side effect they are very proud of.

Ecolane is a fast-growing leader in web-based transit scheduling and dispatch software. The company was founded in Finland, and the research and product development team is located in Espoo. Ecolane has over 10 years of experience in developing the product, and it is already used by over a hundred customers in the U.S. It is an excellent time to join the ride. You can read more about Ecolane at 

At Ecolane you will be joining a team of talented and enthusiastic people, where each person takes both pride in and responsibility for making our product even better. You are willing to solve tricky problems on your own but have no fear of communicating with others or questioning the existing solutions. You will be working with our core product based in Java. Your job will mainly consist of implementing new features to the core product, writing specifications and maintaining existing code base.

Our product is based on Java core, Android application and Ruby on Rails modules. We use MySQL databases with Hibernate. Our solution collects passenger eligibility and funding information, allows for the entry of trip requests from passengers, automatically creates schedules for efficient routing on transit vehicles, dispatches the schedules through advanced mobile data terminals, collects and communicates performance data and provides reports for local, state and national stakeholders on every aspect of the service from on-time performance to driver performance to billing information.

To succeed in this role, we hope that you have:

– Proficiency in Java and ORM, with a good knowledge of their limitations and workarounds
– An understanding of the fundamental design principles behind a scalable application and a solid understanding of object-oriented programming
– Excellent problem solving skills

What Ecolane can offer:

– An opportunity to be part of responsible and meaningful product development
– An independent role and the possibility to influence the way you work and solve problems
– A great opportunity to develop as a software professional
– Flexible working hours and a cozy office
– Great work benefits (lunch, phone, healthcare, insurance, gym etc.)
– An opportunity to gain deep insight into and knowledge of a changing industry
– A relaxed working atmosphere and super nice colleagues: Ecolane’s people look after each other

If you’re the Java Developer we’re looking for, send your CV and application in PDF format latest on January 22nd here: Tell us what you have done and what kind of projects you have worked on before. Please mention your earliest possible starting date and salary request.

For more information about the application process, contact Recruitment Manager Laura Seppä (040 557 93 89, Frontend Developer

Type: Full-time, permanent
Preferred background: Graduated
Work hours: 38 hours per week
Starting date: As soon as possible, negotiable
Location: Itämerenkatu 1, 00180 Helsinki
Application deadline: 20.01.2019 is the leading invoicing service platform for self-employed and freelance professionals in Finland. Through light entrepreneurship, talented professionals combine the best of entrepreneurship and employment. Our company has grown rapidly and today we have over 50 000 active users in Nordic countries. Your role will be working on development task as part of our inhouse dev-team. Dev-team offers services to SLP group companies, UKKO Pro and UKKO Work ( ,

We are looking for a Frontend Developer to take part in developing products and services. We are now hiring new team members to grow the team for frontend, backend and fullstack positions. Your job as a Frontend Developer would be to further improve the usability of our products.

The frameworks and libraries we are using are Vue.js, Bootstrap and jQuery so familiarity with these technologies is highly appreciated but not necessary if you are able to work independently with JavaScript and its modern frameworks. We are mostly looking for an enthusiastic programmer who wants to improve his/her skills and enjoys teamwork. It is a full-time position but flexible working hours makes it student-friendly if you are still finishing your studies.

We require you to:

  • Be able to work independently with JavaScript and CSS3
  • Have previous experience (through work or own projects) in at least one JS and CSS framework, preferably Vue.js and Bootstrap or other modern framework
  • Have fluent English skills. Finnish is seen as a significant asset
  • Be a true team player but also able to work independently
  • Be eager to learn more and develop your skills

We consider as an asset:

  • Knowledge in PHP and Laravel

We can offer you:

  • Easy-going atmosphere and a relaxed and close-knit team to work with
  • Flexible working hours and a possibility to work remotely
  • Well-located, brand new office in Ruoholahti and modern tools to work with
  • Growing but well-established employer
  • In addition to our daily work, we want to have a good time and organize pizza-fridays and have our own sport-club etc.

Sound like you? Please submit your application letter and CV by latest 20th of January here: Please mention your salary request and possible starting date in your application documents. If you have a GitHub profile or equivalent we would be happy to look at it. Please note, we will make a credit reference check to the candidates who proceed to the final round of the recruitment process.

We are also looking for a Backend Developer and a Fullstack Developer for! Read more information here: and here:

You can familiarize yourself with the company here: For more information about the recruitment process contact aTalent’s Recruitment Manager Laura Seppä (+358 40 557 9389, laura.seppa[at]

—– Backend Developer

Type: Full-time, permanent
Preferred background: Graduated
Work hours: 38 hours per week
Starting date: As soon as possible, negotiable
Location: Itämerenkatu 1, 00180 Helsinki
Application deadline: 20.01.2019 is the leading invoicing service platform for self-employed and freelance professionals in Finland. Through light entrepreneurship, talented professionals combine the best of entrepreneurship and employment. Our company has grown rapidly and today we have over 50 000 active users in Nordic countries. Your role will be working on development tasks as a part of our inhouse dev-team. Dev-team offers services to SLP group companies, UKKO Pro and UKKO Work ( ,

We are looking for a Backend Developer to take part in developing products and services. We are now hiring new team members to grow the team for frontend, backend and fullstack positions. Your job as a Backend Developer would be to work with improvements of the product on the backend side.

The technologies we are using are PHP and Laravel. We hope to grow our team with someone skilled in PHP and its frameworks but most of all we are looking for an enthusiastic programmer who wants to improve their skills and enjoys teamwork. It is a full-time position, but flexible working hours makes it student-friendly if you are still finishing your studies.

We require you to:

  • Be able to work independently and have previous experience (through work or own projects) in PHP and at least one of the PHP frameworks, preferably in Laravel
  • Have fluent English skills, Finnish is seen as a significant asset
  • Be a true team player but also able to work independently
  • Be eager to learn more and develop your skills

We consider as an asset:

  • Capabilities in JavaScript and JS frameworks or libraries (Bootstrap, jQuery, Vue.js or Node.js)
  • Knowledge in AWS

We can offer you:

  • Easy-going atmosphere and a relaxed and close-knit team to work with
  • Flexible working hours and a possibility to work remotely
  • Well-located, brand new office in Ruoholahti and modern tools to work with
  • Growing but well-established employer
  • In addition to our daily work, we want to have a good time and organize pizza Fridays and have our own sports club etc.

Sound like you? Please submit your application letter and CV by latest 20th of October here: Please mention your salary request and possible starting date in your application documents. If you have a GitHub profile or equivalent we would be happy to look at it. Please note, we will make a credit reference check to the candidates who proceed to the final round of the recruitment process.

We are also looking for a Frontend Developer and a Fullstack Developer for! Read more information here: and here:

You can familiarize yourself with the company here: For more information about the recruitment process contact aTalent’s Recruitment Manager Laura Seppä (+358 40 557 9389, laura.seppa[at]

Nordicmind: Technical Sales Consultant

Tyyppi: Vakituinen, kokoaikainen
Suositusvuosikurssi: Opintojen loppuvaihe – valmistunut, relevanttia työkokemusta
Toivottu aloituspäivämäärä: Sopimuksen mukaan
Sijainti: Hiilikatu 3, 00180 Helsinki
Haku-DL: 22.1.2019

Nordicmind concentrates in leading ICT solutions with primary focus and specialized expertise in datacenter infrastructure, availability and security solutions, as well as in devops, cloud technologies, centralized management and Enterprise Open Source. Nordicmind has offices and over 1000 channel partners across its key operating territory in Northern Europe and Russia. Nordicmind’s end customers represent all industry verticals covering telecommunication, finance, media, healthcare and governmental departments.

Nordicmind etsii vakituiseen työsuhteeseen Technical Sales Consultantia vahvistamaan dynaamista ja nuorekasta tiimiään Helsinkiin. Pääasialliset työtehtävät pitävät sisällään ratkaisumyynnin tehtäviä Nordicmindin ICT-kumppaneiden ja loppuasiakkaiden välillä. Tapaat potentiaalisia yritysasiakkaita, joiden kanssa kartoitat asiantuntevalla otteella tietojärjestelmiin liittyviä tarpeita ja ongelmakohtia. Toimit linkkinä Nordicmindin partneriverkoston suuntaan yhdistäen asiakkaan tarpeeseen sopivat järjestelmäratkaisut. Nordicmind järjestää ja osallistuu myös aktiivisesti alan tapahtumiin, joissa olet näkyvässä roolissa tapaamassa sekä potentiaalisia uusia toimittajakumppaneita, että loppuasiakkaita. Lisäksi työnkuvaasi kuuluu vaihtuvia satunnaisempia tehtäviä esimerkiksi markkinointiin ja toimistotehtäviin liittyen. Työtehtävien kokonaisuutta on myös mahdollista muokata omien vahvuusalueittesi ja kiinnostuksesi mukaan.

Nordicmind tarjoaa asiakkailleen johtavia ratkaisuja esimerkiksi tietoturvan, DevOpsin ja pilviteknologioiden parista, joten tässä roolissa tekninen ymmärrys kyseisistä alueista on merkittävä etu. Olet mahdollisesti opiskellut tietotekniikkaa ja/tai työskennellyt alalla aiemmin, jonka kautta hahmotat asiakkaidemme tietojärjestelmiin liittyviä tarpeita ja puhut samaa kieltä asiakkaidemme sekä muiden sidosryhmiemme kanssa. Kokemus CI/CD Pipelinesta ja työkaluista kuten Puppet, Ansible ja Nexus ovat merkittäväksi eduksi tehtävässä menestymisen kannalta.

Nordicmindilla pääset mukaan aidosti asiakaslähtöiseen ja kansainväliseen yritykseen, joka edustaa alan aallonharjalla olevia tuoteratkaisuja. Tuomme markkinoille teknologioita, jotka ovat innovatiivisia ja edelläkävijöitä segmentissään. Kehityt kanssamme konsultatiivisen myynnin ja IT-liiketoiminnan ammattilaiseksi yhdessä yhteen hiileen puhaltavien kollegoiden kanssa.

Sinulta odotamme:

  • Soveltuvaa koulutustaustaa esimerkiksi tekniseltä tai kaupalliselta alalta
  • Ymmärrystä DevOpsista ja ohjelmistokehityksestä
  • Vahvoja kommunikointitaitoja ja myynnillistä työskentelytapaa
  • Kykyä hahmottaa asiakkaiden tarpeisiin sopivia ratkaisuja
  • Sujuvaa suomen ja englannin kielen taitoa suullisesti ja kirjallisesti

Eduksi luemme:

  • Aiemman työkokemuksen ohjelmoinnin, DevOpsin ja/tai IT-konsultoinnin parista
  • Ruotsin kielitaidon

Mikäli kiinnostuit Technical Sales Consultantin tehtävästä Nordicmindilla, lähetä hakemuksesi, CV:si ja viimeisin opintosuoritusotteesi viimeistään 22.1.2019 seuraavan linkin kautta: Toimitathan hakudokumenttisi PDF-muodossa. Mainitsethan hakudokumenteissasi myös palkkaodotuksesi sekä mahdollisen aloitusajankohdan. Mikäli tulet valituksi tehtävään, työllistyt suoraan Nordicmindille.

Käy tutustumassa Nordicmindiin tarkemmin osoitteessa Tehtävää ja hakuprosessia koskeviin kysymyksiin vastaa aTalentin Recruitment Manager Mikko Lahti (, +358 400 495 946).

Evermade – Web Developer

Type: Full-time, permanent
Working hours: 37,5 hours per week, flexible working hours
Starting date: As soon as possible, according to agreement
Location: Lönnrotinkatu 18, Helsinki
Application deadline: 21st of January 2019   

We make websites, web apps, and other digital products for organizations like Slush, City of Helsinki, and Messukeskus. Our family of 30+ designers and developers turns great concepts into beautiful and functional solutions. We take high quality and excellent results seriously, but have fun achieving them.

We are now looking for a Web Developer to join Evermade’s growing team in their inspiring office in central Helsinki! You get to join an agile team and contribute to the web development in Evermade’s client projects. You will mostly participate in frontend development. Evermade likes the project teams to work in co-operation with the clients so you would also get to work in client interface from time to time. Everything we do has to do with visuality and visibility. You can have a closer look at what Evermade does here  Also, check out Evermade’s blog post on the State of Development at Evermade 2019 here:

Our internal stack includes WordPress, JavaScript (including React), HTML, and CSS, for example.

Our ideal candidate has a strong interest in programming and basic level programming skills. You don’t have to be a seasoned developer yet, but we want you to have the willingness and attitude to deepen your skills in software development. However, if you do have previous work experience in software development, it is an advantage. Evermade appreciates a critical and self-starter mindset as well as the ability to work in consultative manner.

Requirements for the applicant:

– Basic level programming skills in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and WordPress obtained through project / work / hobbyist experience or studies (feel free to share links to the projects you have contributed to!)
– Fluent English skills, both written and spoken (Finnish not necessary)
– Willingness to develop yourself and learn together with the team

We see as an advantage for you:

– Relevant previous work experience
– Creative mindset
– Experience using React

Evermade offers you a very low-hierarchy and informal working environment where every team member is appreciated. As you might have noticed upon visiting their website, Evermade has a good track record of working with very interesting clients. Evermade also wants to encourage your own professional growth – for example, they offer mentoring to support your personal development, and there are appointed working days that you get to use for whatever supports your professional growth the best. Evermade offers you a good balance of freedom and responsibility, and your opinion on how and what Evermade does is warmly welcome. Furthermore, there are numerous paths for you to grow professionally within Evermade. Read more on what it is like to work at Evermade in their blog post 5+ Reasons to Apply for a Job at Evermade here:

Could you be Evermade’s new team member? Please submit your CV and application letter by the 21st of January here: Remember to convert your application documents into PDF format. Please mention your salary request and earliest possible starting date in your application documents. If you have a GitHub profile or links to some of your own projects, we are happy to take a look at them!

The chosen candidate will be employed directly by Evermade.

You can familiarize yourself with Evermade here: For further information regarding the position and the application process, you may contact Recruitment Manager Erkko Vanhakartano (erkko.vanhakartano[at], +358504019387).  


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