Harjoittelu- ja kesätyöpaikkoja

Nyt olisi tarjolla 1) Turkulaiseen AR-yhteistyöprojektiin osallistumista (mahdollinen kandi- tai graduaihe!), 2) Cadmaticin kesätöitä Turussa ja 3) Vaisalan harjoittelupaikkoja kesäksi Helsinkiin

Zoan: Lisätyn todellisuuden AR-yhteistyöprojekti (PDF)

Nyt on mahdollisuus osallistua lisätyn todellisuuden (AR) yhteistyöprojektiin, josta voi saada opintopisteitä tai projektin gradun / lopputyön aiheeksi.

Tekijänä on Suomen suurin VR-studio Zoan.

Mukana projektissa: Turun yliopisto, Turun AMK ja Turun kaupunki


Augmented Reality (HoloLens) Developer, Summer,Part-time (PDF)

Web Application Developer, Summer Part-time (PDF)

C++ (CAD) Developer, Summer Part-time (PDF)

Vaisala Giant Leap Internship 2019


Make your summer count – Vaisala Giant Leap Internship

Is your ideal summer job made of meaningful opportunities? Would you like to kick-start your career in an innovative and international environment? We at Vaisala offer you a highly valued internship program that our previous generations of Giant Leapers describe as memorable, challenging and just a splendid experience in general. Do your future self a favor and apply now!

Each year we handpick exciting real business challenges for our Giant Leapers to manage. The projects range from product and software development to industrial engineering, sourcing, marketing and human resources – just to name a few. Our unique approach helps you to improve your skills and gain special insight into our mission of creating observations for a better world. The highlight of your three-month #myvaisalasummer will be presenting the outcomes of your project to our board of executives.

Next summer, we offer the following exciting software development projects:

– Automate radio protocol analysis

– Mobile app technology

– Diagnostics package viewer

– Design needs of an environmentally tolerant, multi-purpose data link

– Test Automation for local display testing

More information on the projects can be found on vaisala.com/en/giant-leap-projects.

Our challenging and meaningful program is designed for 3+ year students in a university or polytechnic with a variety of skills, qualities and educational backgrounds.

We appreciate our Giant Leapers and treat them as our own right from the get-go. The open and supportive atmosphere makes it easy to enjoy your summer with us. We don’t expect you to have all the answers but we hope you have lots of questions.

So if you are ready to work hard, do your best and take this leap with us, see our projects for the upcoming summer and pick yours! We invite 20 bright and motivated young talents to Helsinki, Finland. Learn more about the program on vaisala.com/giantleap and Giant Leap Facebook facebook.com/vaisalagiantleap.

Prepare your CV and cover letter ready to be attached in your application submit your application before February the 10th. Come as you are as long as you’re curious!


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