Asteriski viikko 7 ja mailikooste

Tiistai 11.2.

Ruutukerho / TV-corner klo 18 @ Toimisto

Torstai 13.2.

Hallituksen kokous / Board meeting klo 17 @Toimisto

Perjantai 14.2.

Alumnikerhon afterwork klo 18 – 22 @ Gastropub Löytö

Sunnuntai 16.2.

Liikuntavuoro / Sports klo 13 – 15 @ Educarium


TurkuSec February Meetup

Welcome to the TurkuSec February meetup! We will have two speakers from the information security industry. Everybody who is interested in information security and related topics are welcome to attend.

Date: 27 February 2020
Time: 17:50 – 20:00
Venue: SparkUp Turku (Tykistökatu 4B)


17:50 – Doors open
18:00 – “Pwner in the clouds – how to fly” by Antti Virtanen
18:30 – Break
18:40 – “The evolution of data (and why it has become our biggest enemy)” by Noora Hammar
Description: In the beginning we only knew somewhat something about someone. Nowadays data as we know it, is more than we think:  for some, it’s a way to make revenue.
19:30 – Security and Chill (drinking, networking, talking and etc)


Antti Virtanen – Cyber Wrestler at Solita Oy
Noora Hammar – Senior Cyber Doer at Nordea Cyber Security

TurkuSec ry
Information Security Association of Turku
Twitter: @TurkuSec

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